
Lytham Schools Foundation

For over 300 years there have been organisations & individuals within Lytham St Annes that have supported young people in education. The Lytham Schools Foundation has a history going back to the 1700’s and is proud to continue this history through the 21st century.

Our objectives:
As defined in our charity status, “The objects of the charity are for the public benefit to advance education in or near Lytham St Annes including by, but not limited to, the provision of land, buildings and other facilities for the purposes of a school or schools and the provision of means tested bursaries and other financial awards to children and young people residing in or near Lytham St Annes in need of financial assistance for the purpose of assisting with the cost of their education (including extra-curricular activities undertaken for educational purposes).”

Whilst the wording is most definitely formal, it provides us with a degree of latitude in how we can best support children in education, for which we are grateful to the Charity Commission.

What we do:
Provide funds to support education on receipt of suitable applications

Where we work:
Officially we cover the ancient parish of Lytham, now known as Lytham St.Anne’s, and possibly best defined as covering the ‘FY8’ postcode

Who we help:
We are able to fund:

  • Schools and Educational Establishments with any assistance to further education be that in providing support for buildings or resources.
  • Students and Individuals who need support (both financial and resources) to continue their formal academic education or co-curricular activities.
  • Organisations who provide support to children in school education or offer support services to schools / schoolchildren.
  • Organisations who provide education to children outside of the main stream school system. (Learning rooms, education centres, outdoor classrooms, etc..)

Anyone who meets the criteria laid out above in our objectives can apply – please use our online Application Form or contact us by email at clerk@lythamschools.org